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Taka Shimokobe is a User Experience and Product Designer based in the SF Bay Area. He specializes in interaction design and rapid prototyping. Previously at Workday and Project Jupyter, he is currently accepting clients for freelance work.

More About Taka

Product Design Intern

Designing for the Accounting Space

Leading the research and design for a new product space within Workday's Financial suite of products.

product design, internship, cloud erp

Preview of landing page of Finance Hub

User Experience Design Intern

A Status Bar for JupyterLab

Designing and shipping a JupyterLab design pattern that works across the ecosystem.

ux design, design system, open-source

Preview of landing page of Finance Hub

User Experience Design Intern

Dashboarding Extension

Leveraging JupyterLab's powerful capabilities for dashboard creation.

ux design, vision, dashboarding

Preview of landing page of Finance Hub

Product Designer

AR as a Platform for Storytelling

Leading the redesign of a geographically based story-telling application.

product design, redesign, project

Preview of landing page of Finance Hub

Product Designer

Keeping College Homes Clean

Helping students get used to shared living and maintaining a clean household.

product design, start-up, project

Preview of landing page of Finance Hub